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© 2020 The Druid Order an druidh uileach braithreachas

© 2020 The Druid Order an druidh uileach braithreachas

This is the start of the Druid year, when day and night are equal. The harvest festival, when the power of heaven is infused into the fruits of the earth, and you reap what you have sowed. You see the full reality, what you made of your dreams, projects and plans, the actual reality, the truth that gives understanding and wisdom. The start of the academic year, of inner work, of assimilation and unbiased reflection that will later be the proper basis for the choosing and sowing of seeds. The auto-tombing process of autumn, judgement day, Libra, sign of balance, cardinal air.

Autumn Equinox

In springtime the roots in the earth provided the stability that is necessary for the plant kingdom to rise up and express itself. Truth is to our personality what a root is to a plant. We need to live out of that truth that gives birth to a certainty of conclusion or harvest.

Our heart is the home of our soul, our heart is to the body what the Sun is to our Solar system. The soul is not seen and for most of us does not exist, it is like the present tense which is also not seen and can also be said to not exist.

The past exists because we think we have seen and experienced it, the future exists because that is where we project our dreams, fantasies, fears, anxieties and wishes. In reality nothing exists without the present tense, in the same way nothing would exist except through a woman.  All the power in the universe comes through the present tense, the past and future have no power. Investment in the past will not deliver world domination instead it will destroy the world.

Your soul lives in the present and your brain sourced personality lives mainly in the past. This creates a conflict between your head and your heart. The life of the people need to be liberated from this needless struggle between the head and the heart and the uncertainty that is forced upon them.

Life is a sacred thing, and the initiative of the individual is the expression of that life. This life must be guarded against all that opposes its growth and use, otherwise the life of the individual will forfeit its freedom of expression. The home and the individual must be raised above the power of all invasive authority, so that no human being is refused the opportunity to work and achieve economic security.

The financial system, homelessness, health and the justice system are all associated with each other. The trend of these contexts is to create a scarcity in order to maintain the highest financial value and domination. Money has come to be regarded as the greatest value in society.

The law is based on justice and truth. By that we mean that equity and the balanced conclusion of a harvest will never depart from justice and truth. Where the law and its results have departed from a certainty of conclusion the law is no law at all.

After achieving the security of the home we need to learn how to think. An education system based on the past tense, along with having to prove the material existence of everything, will produce cleverness and not intelligence, uncertainty and not certainty. We will not learn to think for ourselves and when any problem appears in our lives we will seek out experts to provide us with the solution to our problems. Problems are never solved by blaming, naming or labelling anything or anybody external. We caused our problems to exist.

The freedom of the individual is restricted so that the power of licensed officialism may be continued. Officialism is a symbol of slavery and not freedom. The continued effort to enslave the way the public think and act through the expansion of centralised government is supported by us.

We must remember that our personality is also the government over our own body. The cells in our body are the people in our land. Our blood travels through rivers within the land of our body. How we relate to nature is the same as our relationship with our own bodies.

Our personality is to our body what the government is to the country. Our personality can be led by the soul or give up and seek to provide us with promises of false security and comfort.

We need to see problems as being a reflection of what we need to learn, an opportunity to develop our consciousness.

Each problem has a purpose hidden from view, in the same way that the present tense is not visible. Understanding that purpose and acting upon it will cause the problem to disappear. Problems are necessary as a guide to restore and expand the purpose of our living.

The soul has a purpose and knowing what that is will allow the personality to serve that purpose. This is the same way that the past and future support the present tense. We should be learning how to turn uncertainty into being certain. But the false powers that be do not want us to create intelligence because they do not know what that is. They want you to be clever and do what you are told to do.

Hidden in your harvest of results is a purpose which will lead you to the next step. The next step for you, which is not the next step for those who want you to be a slave to their viewpoint.

Joy with your harvest is expressed through being able to see where you are going and being receptive to the purpose of your harvest. Learning how to do this is real education.

The land is free

learning is free,

but the people are not.